Red Corners and Green Places

Our trial participatory walk went amazingly well- not only did we have great weather and lovely participants – but we learnt a lot from it.


Handed out our Play Peterborough yellow booklets and we set off with our set of dice and cards to discover the city with people who know it best- its residents! <! carry on reading>

IMG_2994 We discovered that the corner where TK max is now was once woolworth corner and was also reputed as the red corner (some of the participants didn’t know that either). We were shown how hopscotch can be played even on the busiest street in Peterborough on the busiest time – a Saturday afternoon – and learnt that a bear would eat your mum if you step on the cracks. We heard that stepping on the grass by the beloved (and beautiful ) Lido building was not allowed! and that the colour Green has many resonances in the city, not just because it is the corporate colour of the council.

IMG_3011 Before we reached the cathedral square towards the end of our walk, we played ‘Peterborough Dialogues’ and had some magical and poetic moments where words just flew in the air and then we were directed to see a quirky crooked window that we never knew was there.

When we got to the square it was busy with Music Takeover events, which we loved – especially the playful dialogue between drummers on one side of the square and the main stage.

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We gathered booklets and were delighted with what we found in them- drawings, words and even dried flowers from a delightful trial walk….great start to our project!

To register for the forthcoming walks: 9th May, 6th June and/or 27th June – go to our eventbrite page



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